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Pinpoint is a unified makerspace management platform designed to collect metrics and manage equipment access across a multitude of makerspaces on campus. The application consists of a static frontend built using React and a backend powered by the Flask microframework that serves a RESTful API. The Pinpoint is currently a closed-source application built by the A. James Clark School of Engineering for the campus community. While an API exists and is documented, we do not support third party clients utilizing the backend API at this time.

Releases of the Makerspace Manager follow the semantic versioning standard. We are currently running version 1.1.0.

This documentation is intended for makerspace users and makerspace admins. Developer documentation can be found on GitLab (permissions required).

Getting Started for Makerspace Users

Head over to the users documentation.

Getting Started for Makerspace Admins

Head over to the admins documentation.